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20 June 2013, Volume 33 Issue 03

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  • Wang Shiwei
    图书与情报. 2013, 33(03): 1-13.
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    This paper gives an intensive analysis on the service system of the libraries in Shanghai from seven main aspects,which includes the development and expansion of service system, high-level overview of system hierarchy, service resources, service efficiency, logistics system, technology engines as well as the co一relationship and interaction with city.
  • Zhang Tao
    图书与情报. 2013, 33(03): 14-18.
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    Australia focuses on sustainable development of the country, and the same is true of its public service agencies. In the state of Victoria, Melbourne city public library service system has made great attempts at combining library work with environmental protection. The Chinese public libraries can draw on experiences from Melbourne libraries.
  • Feng Jieyin
    图书与情报. 2013, 33(03): 19-25.
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    This paper gives an introduction to the three metropolitan public libraries in the United States, including the New York Public Library, Chicago Public Library and Seattle Public Library. It discusses the development and services of the American metropolitan libraries from the aspects of history, service structures, human resources, information resources and facilities, technological development and services, and the interaction between public libraries and cities.
  • Zhang Yuequn,Zhang Xiaoyu,Wang Linyun
    图书与情报. 2013, 33(03): 26-30.
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    After analyzing the changes of academic libraries information environment, this paper discusses current operation mechanism of academic libraries and its problems, deems it need to reform to service -based operation mechanism from resource-based one. This paper also brings out seven aspects of tactics: studying users' information environment deeply and paying sustained attentions to users' need and information behavior, building Omnimedia-Era oriented resource constructing system, user oriented resources management system and initiative service system, user participating system in resources construction, marketing system, reforming new academic library interior organization system.
  • Chen Bihong,Zhong Jinhua,Xiong Wei,Duan Xiaohu
    图书与情报. 2013, 33(03): 31-35.
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    The fundamental missions of the innovation of public libraries' free-opening system are: to effectively protect the basic cultural rights and interests of citizens, to achieve the benefit-all equalization of basic public service, to promote the " inclusive public cultural services project", and to actively build regional public cultural spaces. The solution to the innovation problems faced by the public libraries in western China is: how to strengthen the regional cooperation and to attract social forces in order to promote the overall innovation. The exploration of a free -opening system of Baoji City Public Library demonstrates that creating and relying on the integrated services network of regional public library system is the key initiatives of the free-opening systematic innovation of the public libraries in western China.
  • Liu Guiyu
    图书与情报. 2013, 33(03): 36-40.
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    Mobile library is the main direction of future library development. Mobile library marketing is necessary in order to let more people know and use mobile library. This paper analyzes BPLmobile marketing of Canadian Burlington Public Library from several perspectives, including user marketing segmentation, marketing target, product marketing, price marketing, marketing channels, librarians internal marketing, and relationship marketing. In the final, this paper concludes four points: full -time marketing department provides organizational guarantee for mobile library marketing, variety of marketing channels is one of the key factors of mobile library marketing, enhancing internal marketing for library is the foundation of mobile library marketing, extensive cooperation and support is the driving force of mobile library development.
  • Luo Xiaohong
    图书与情报. 2013, 33(03): 41-44.
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    A public library is both resources provider and education implementer in children reading promotion. In order to promote children reading, the library should optimize the collection, create a sound reading space, strengthen the cooperation with the schools, and make a good use of the social resources.
  • Zhou Gaizhu
    图书与情报. 2013, 33(03): 45-48.
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    A public library should concern the development of minors to provide service for their reading. Nut the services of the public libraries in Northwest China, especially those in counties and townships, are restricted by shortage of funds, the remote areas, and unsound policy. The libraries should strengthen the construction in resources, service space, reading promotion, and a body of able librarians, and at the same time, the libraries should promote the government to make corresponding policies to spread notion of early reading.
  • Lu Bo
    图书与情报. 2013, 33(03): 49-51.
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    With the rapid development of information technology and the gradual improvement of information environment, people's reading needs and reading models changed dramatically, and then began to pursuit of individuality, convenient reading services. This paper describes the reading models changing and development under IT environment. Meanwhile, it analyzes the influence on academic libraries due to reading models changing. Thus, the library must adopt some measures to fit the need of changes, including focus on putting forward innovative ideas, improving service skills of librarians, as well as applying modern information technology and establishing individual service; focus on knowledge services, to make library information services embedding into the research processes; strengthen boutique introduction to improve the reading quality.
  • Xiao Zhifeng
    图书与情报. 2013, 33(03): 52-57.
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    Comparing legal protection of personal information in the re-use of China and foreign public sector information, based on China's national conditions and learning international best practice, this paper provides proposal on legal protection of personal information in the re-use of public sector information.
  • Zhu Yunxia
    图书与情报. 2013, 33(03): 58-64.
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    Based on the papers published by  Chinese  and  British  scholars  from  1999  to  2011  in  mathematics,  this paper analyzed the excellence and opportunity of scientific and technological cooperation between China and UK in mathematical field,  mainly  including  the  number  of  papers  and  the  cited  frequency  of  such  papers  each  year,  as  well as the number of papers cooperated by Chinese -British, Chinese -American, Chinese -German, Chinese -French and Chinese-Japanese scholars and the  cited  frequency  of  such  papers  in  the  past  years.  Through  comparative  analysis  of the  cooperation  between  China  and  UK,  this  paper  made  analytic  conclusion  and  suggestion  at  last.
  • Han Yi
    图书与情报. 2013, 33(03): 65-71.
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    Based on the Web of Science, this paper makes the metrological count of the papers published and cited by Chinese and British scholars from 1999 to 2011 in physics . This paper also makes the metrological count of papers that cooperated by Chinese-British, Chinese-American, Chinese -German, Chinese -French and Chinese -Japanese scholars and the cited frequency of these papers in the past years. This paper emphasizes the comparative analysis of the cooperation between China and UK in the field of physics, expecting to have a summary of the current cooperative situation, and put forwards views and suggestions aimed at the current situation.
  • Teng Man
    图书与情报. 2013, 33(03): 72-79.
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    In order to understand the development  and  cooperation  between  China  and  UK  in  the  field  of  earth  and space sciences, with the aid of the Web of science and the papers published by Chinese and British scholars from 1999 to 2011 in earth and space sciences, this paper analyzed the excellence and opportunity of scientific  and technological cooperation between China and UK in earth  and  space  sciences  field,  mainly  including  the  number  of papers and the cited frequency of such papers each year, as well as the number of papers cooperated by Chinese- British, Chinese-American, Chinese-German, Chinese -French and Chinese -Japanese scholars and the cited frequency of such papers in the past years. We made statistical analysis to the cooperation between China and UK in the field of earth and space sciences, then provided analytic conclusion and suggestion at last.
  • Qiu Yuting
    图书与情报. 2013, 33(03): 80-86.
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    The OpenURL standard guides a context-sensitive way to link to licensed online holdings, implements seamless links between different types, formats and distributed information resources. However, there are some times  when OpenURLs fail to resolve, to better understand why problems occur, the study of quality control in OpenURL becomes more important. After the reasons of quality problems have been expounded, the paper describes the overall research situation on quality control in OpenURL on abroad. Then, it analyzes the content of IOTA and KBART working group, with thorough discussion from the view of practice. Finally, the enlightenment has been summarized, to promote Chinese OpenURL quality control.
  • Wang Zhijin,Ge Linlin
    图书与情报. 2013, 33(03): 87-93.
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    The paper compares SWOT model with BCG matrix that are important analysis tools in competitive intelligence analysis. Based on elaborating the characteristics of SWOT model and BCG matrix, the connections and distinctions between SWOT model and BCG matrix in competitive intelligence analysis is explored.
  • Luo Xiujuan
    图书与情报. 2013, 33(03): 94-97.
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    This paper discussed necessity and feasibility for combining Information Commons and subject service in the university library, then proposed to use Web 2.0 technology to construct subject IC 2.0, and analyzed the connotation, characteristics and the elements of the service. Finally, this paper built the subject IC2.0 service mode from the aspects of interaction, resources construction, subject service, and support systems.
  • Yan Hui,Liu Qiurang
    图书与情报. 2013, 33(03): 98-103.
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    The  value  relationship  between  library  and  users  has  been  challenged  because  of  the  development  of information technique and the internet sources. The subject service emphasizes the personality and specialization, and changes  the  traditional  passive  condition  of  traditional  library  service.  Through  investigating  the  users'  needs  and figuring outs the detailed subject service programs, library outstands its social value, and by continuing education and increasing the welfare of the librarians etc., it is possible for library to promote the social value of library.
  • Lei Ming
    图书与情报. 2013, 33(03): 104-107.
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    Article summarizes the actualities of information resources sharing, embedded services, mobile services and Institution Repositories of the academic libraries in America and China. And then analyzes similarities and differences of information services between American and Chinese academic libraries. Finally, it put forwards several inspirations about how to develop information services in Chinese academic libraries.
  • Su Yanling
    图书与情报. 2013, 33(03): 108-111.
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    The developing dilemma of village-level library are important issues of current public library service system. The Town -Villages Integrated Public Library Service System mode provides an idea to solve this problem. The developing pattern of Jiaxing, Ningbo, Humen and etc. offers useful reference for the Town-Villages Integrated Public Library Service System mode.
  • Shen Qiuyan
    图书与情报. 2013, 33(03): 112-114.
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    Now the construction of branch libraries develops rapidly, and it is also a good opportunity for local literature work. Jiaxing Library has made useful exploration in this area. The branches make joint call for local literature and share the resources through modern technology. Texts can be transferred offsite and experts provide online service for readers in different areas and the work accesses to social praise.
  • Cao Shangqing
    图书与情报. 2013, 33(03): 115-117,131.
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    By using the analytic hierarchy process advanced by American operational expert Thomas L. Staty, the author analyzed the collection structure of the foreign language books in our library. The result shows that analyzing the structure of a collection of books by the analytic hierarchy process can provide scientific proof for reasonable decision, and improve the library stacks and quality of foreign language books.
  • Tan Qiqiong
    图书与情报. 2013, 33(03): 118-120.
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    Mobile library is a new mode of extended service of library based on modern technology. Large amount of studies have been made both at home and abroad, and the studies at home still fall behind. More studies about the construction of resources and the protection of privacy are needed.
  • Liu Chengjie,Ma Xinlei
    图书与情报. 2013, 33(03): 121-124.
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    Under the environment of giving great impetus to governing school by law, penalty system for overdue borrowing in university libraries have encountered unprecedented dilemma. Based on concluding and introducing the main four kinds of handling method on the behavior of overdue borrowing in inland university library, this paper focuses on the analysis of illegality on those handling methods such as fining, collecting fee under false pretenses and imposing restrictions on the students' borrowing right. Finally, the paper puts forward feasible solutions for overdue borrowing, such as establishing and completing th"e recalling system"and"the correlation system of appraising and choosing the excellent and deciding on awards through discussion".
  • Zhu Hui
    图书与情报. 2013, 33(03): 125-127.
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    With the wide use of IT and internet, vocational college libraries are confronted with great challenges. It is important for the libraries with weak foundation and poor composition of human resources to explore and reform the mode of human resource management. In this paper the author discusses four problems such as evaluation mechanisms, appointing rules, capacity development, and appraisal mechanism.
  • Dai Jin
    图书与情报. 2013, 33(03): 128-131.
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    In recent years, embedded service provides users with new direction of information services. Therefore, it was taken seriously by the International Federation of Library Associations (IFLA), the American Library Association (ALA) and other library organizations, and taken widely practices at home and abroad. Embedded Service of academic libraries in China can be divided into four types: embedded into research projects, embedded into teaching activities, embedded into learning and life, and embedded into government and enterprises. In the era of big data and the knowledge society, it will focus on user experience and three -dimensional development, and then modern information technology will play an increasingly important role in this era.
  • Zhen Lijun
    图书与情报. 2013, 33(03): 132-134.
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    The next issue of library is how to achieve resource discovery and service that based on resources integration and data sharing. More and more resources discovery systems have being released, and also introducing into libraries since the first resource discovery service system was successfully released in 2009.Resources discovery systems are big approach to extent library service, improve resource utilization. It will be a focus on scenarios and requirements analysis, system introduction choice, interface standardization of resources discovery services in the future.
  • Zhuang Hong
    图书与情报. 2013, 33(03): 135-138.
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    Tibetan-Yi Gallery located between the two culture plates of Han nation culture and Tibetan culture, where the cultural relics of the nation was preserved and continued with the primitive religion books as its carrier. Because of the form of the living heritage of its texts, this area is precipitated with the original religious culture and history. Based on combing the texts of primitive belief with the literature of Tibetan Bon, Shibi instruments of Qiang who were living nearby the Minjiang River upstream, Bimo classic of Yi, Ersu Tibetan figures and Saba pictograph scriptures, Naxi Dongba scriptures, etc.in the Tibetan -Yi Gallery which includes the national minorities of Tibetan,Qiang,Yi,Naxi, who settle in Bailongjiang river basin, the paper outlines the approximate appearance of the original documents of aboriginal ethnic groups in this region and six river basin.
  • Xu Song
    图书与情报. 2013, 33(03): 139-141.
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    Li Ling Biαnwen and Wαng Zhαωjun Biαnwen are famous Bianwen in the Dunhuang Documents.Although therehave a lot of research paper, but the explanation about "wuguo", “Yellow day", “Tisi", “red line" is not reasonable, and alternative explanation is necessary to solve the doubt.
  • Tu Leiji,Ying Changxing
    图书与情报. 2013, 33(03): 142-144.
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    Jiaye Co llection Building was built in 1920 by Liu Chenggan, and its name came from the inscription "Qinre Jiaye" on the monument presented by the then emperor Puyi. The building is spacious and surrounded with a garden. With its rich collection of books, the building was one of the most famous in the Republic China. In this paper the author discoursed the origin, the collecting job, its prosperity, its decline, and its rebirth.