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20 April 2013, Volume 33 Issue 02

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  • Fan Bingsi
    图书与情报. 2013, 33(02): 1-5.
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    Reading service is one kind of public library services. The development trend of public library service is from information to reading. To China's public Library, system obstacles to minors reading services have been removed. But reading services of public libraries for all minors means services to minors in various regions, of different ages, and to those with special needs.
  • Wang Baiyang,Li Yimei
    图书与情报. 2013, 33(02): 6-10.
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    Developing reading and service for minors is an important mission of public libraries. With the interpretation of IFLA's important document about minor's reading,this paper expounds the service aims and basic principles of developing minor's reading promotion in environment,facilities,resources construction,publicity cooperation,vocational skills,etc.in public libraries.
  • Wu Zhihong,Gao Chunling
    图书与情报. 2013, 33(02): 11-16.
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    Based on the new literacy background,this paper explains the concept of reading literacy and its profound pedagogy trends,and with Born to Read program and the two international academic evaluation projects,PISA and PIRLS, as example, the author discusses the responsibilities and mission of the library in serving minors reading activities.ctivities.​
  • Huang Danyu
    图书与情报. 2013, 33(02): 17-20.
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    Children and teenagers are the most important group among all readers with dyslexia. There will be opportunities and challenges for public libraries in serving dyslexic young people,and a lot needs improving at library entry policy,stock selection,aid equipment,an'd etc. when special aids and professional services are provided.
  • Su Man,Tian Huaman
    图书与情报. 2013, 33(02): 21-25.
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    The author firstly  analyzes  the  present  situation  of  service  to  autism  children  in  Chinese  and  foreign  libraries, then points out the existing problems in service to autism children in domestic libraries, for example, the loss of humanistic idea, lack of special facilities, shortage of special collection resources, and finally, highlights some problems that to be solved urgently in six aspects: The present situation of the library  autism  children  service,  theoretical  research,  system research ,method research, effects research ,and effectiveness research.
  • Yu Biyang,Xu Jianhua,Wang Pianran
    图书与情报. 2013, 33(02): 26-33,87.
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    Based on the results of a national survey, which includes stereotype of librarian, stereotype of job, willingness to contact with librarians, and demographic information, we tried to depict stereotype of Chinese librarians in future professionals' eyes objectively and comprehensively, from the perspectives of theory foundation, methodology, main results, and related strategy implications.
  • Liu Jingyu,Zhu Yongying,Yu Biyang
    图书与情报. 2013, 33(02): 34-39.
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    Based on the theory of stereotype in psychology, we tried to discover the librarian's image in the eyes of the future professionals of library profession. By self-designed questionnaire and the data analysis using SPSS, we found out that: librarians are steady and surefooted, but the image as a server is not clear; the work in the library is repetitive and more suitable for women, and librarians are hard to get promotion; a future professional would like to be friends or partners with a librarian, except for being in love with him or her; future professionals haven't had a clear and universal impression on the profession.
  • Xu Sheng,Yu Biyang,Ma Xingchuan
    图书与情报. 2013, 33(02): 40-43.
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    A model taking the stereotype of the future professionals toward the librarians as the dependent variable and 8 factors which are as the independent variables  is  established by multiple regression analysis, based on  the  comprehensive and systematical survey on the stereotype of the future professionals toward  the  librarians. Those independent variables include: satisfaction with library service, profession's complexity, time to get LIS education, preference to LIS major, negative affects, positive affects, sources to form impressions, and professional comfort, which were also discussed in details.
  • Zhu Yongying,Liu Jingyu,Wang Hui
    图书与情报. 2013, 33(02): 44-52.
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    How to enter LIS major, attitudes towards LIS major, confidence towards LIS profession's future, willingness to switch their major, and willingness to be a librarian, which are 5 dimensions to measure future-professionals' professional cognition, have showed significant impact on their stereotype of librarians. Future-professionals, who have more positive professional cognition, are more willingly to contact with librarians, consider librarians' job more complex and less comfortable. The impacts are especially significant on future -professional's attitude towards profession's complexity and willingness to contact with librarians. Different dimensions of professional cognition show differentiated impacts on stereotype of librarians. For  future -professionals, lack  of profession's  complexity is the  main reason for  their attitudes towards the major-"like but don't choose the major". Our research indicates that complexity of the profession is the core criterion for future-professionals to evaluate their profession.
  • Xu Jianhua,Wang Wei,Yu Biyang
    图书与情报. 2013, 33(02): 53-57.
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    Degree, LIS education at undergraduate and graduate level, which are dimensions to measure  LIS education, have showed significant impact on stereotype of librarians: Future-professionals, who have been educated longer in LIS field, show worse impressions to librarians, and consider the library work more comfortable. Professional education shows little influence on future professionals' willingness to contact  with  librarians,  but  big influence on undergraduates' attitudes. The impact on librarians' stereotype is related to personal professional cognition, satisfaction with library service, and sources to form such impression. Also, professional education shows little impact on personal ma叮or and profession choice. Big difference between reality and vision of LIS profession may be the reason for LIS education's impact on future professionals' stereotype of librarians.
  • Li Jinrong
    图书与情报. 2013, 33(02): 58-64.
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    Some  domestic  and  international  academic  articles  on  various  definitions  of  culture  are  analyzed,and  the conclusion is that the library culture is the combination of the spirit activities and physical activities of the people engaged in library. The author believes that the library's value lies in providing spiritual power for its culture's development.
  • Wu Xu
    图书与情报. 2013, 33(02): 65-68.
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    In thi s paper, the author introduces the experiences of the music library in Stanford University in literature collection, cataloging, protection, repair, and serve. The author believes that their practice can help us in our number generation, literature collection, and literature cataloging.
  • Liu Jia,Li Shuning
    图书与情报. 2013, 33(02): 69-73.
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    The paper analyzed six kinds of incentive mechanisms of Baidu "1 Know", and discussed the formation, content and goal of these incentive mechanisms. At last, the paper made a study on the principles of how they worked on users according to the theory of Maslow's hierarchy of needs, and discussed the inspiration of these mechanisms to resource and service construction of library.
  • Wang Tianni
    图书与情报. 2013, 33(02): 74-77.
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    Because of the rapid development of social networking, cloud'computing and mobile Internet, there is being an earth-shaking changes on the scope, way and channel of data generation. It is means that the era of big data is coming. The article describes the knowledge consultation is a new model of the future s libraries consultation services, and analyzes the opportunities of consultation services in the era of big data. It is emphasis the driving factors of knowledge consultations, which including data resources and personnel development,in the era of big data.
  • Gong Yajun
    图书与情报. 2013, 33(02): 78-80.
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    Public Library"the third cultural space" is an extension of the library space and concept. It is a public place that without status hierarchy, and without the shackles of family roles. There, people are free to self-release and communicate. "The third cultural space" can be built from three aspects of the circumstance, resources and services. According to these, Hangzhou Library takes a useful practical attempt to build"the third cultural space".
  • Ye Jiyuan,Chen Ming
    图书与情报. 2013, 33(02): 81-87.
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    This paper analyses the merits and shortcomings of index based on Sciencepaper Online outstanding journals. It not only studies the subject, object, aim, criteria, indexes, methods and rules of open access journals evaluation by the all- around evaluation system, but also studies the indicators of formal evaluation, content evaluation and useful evaluation of open access journals.
  • Zhao Rongying,Wu Shengnan
    图书与情报. 2013, 33(02): 88-92.
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    Using CNKI as the data resource, this paper searched some papers about library collection resource. Some VBA programs were developed to generate the co-word matrix, compute the cohesive value of keywords as well as the density and centrality of thematic clusters. SPSS 19 was also used to generate keywords clusters. Then, co -word analysis method and strategic diagrams were utilized to detect the main research themes as well as explore the development situation and status of these research themes. Based on this, some suggestion were provided.
  • Qian Lingfei,Yang Jianlin,Deng Sanhong
    图书与情报. 2013, 33(02): 93-98.
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    After expounding theory of the single indices evaluation of the humanities and social sciences innovation,the paper proposes single indices evaluation method. In this method,the overlapping rates of core keywords over academic papers are analyzed to measure the innovation potentials of a targeted discipline,the indicator of liveliness of co-occurring keywords is introduced to calibrate the innovation activeness,while the occurrences of meaningful new keywords are derived to depict the innovation sustainability. Analysis are conducted on the evaluation results which gives evidence that single indices evaluation method is reasonable and practical,it points out a new way to evaluate innovation capabilities in the humanities and social sciences.
  • Niu Chunhua,Li Huijia
    图书与情报. 2013, 33(02): 99-104.
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    Activity Theory is a frame to research human behaviors and is drawing more attentions in many fields, especially in studying user behavior because of its special potential. However,due to the complexity of the process from origin and evolution,it is difficult to summarize a clear skeleton from enormous and wide literatures in short time. So in this paper,current relevant research and key literature of Activity Theory are introduced and analyzed with data from WOS in order to provide helpful references.
  • Qiu Jin,Wu Dan
    图书与情报. 2013, 33(02): 105-110.
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    Sentiment analysis is an important research topic in collaborative information search behavior studies. The goal of this paper is to study collaborative information search behaviors with the emphasis on sentiments, particularly pays attentions to the effects of collaboration ability and task as two important factors in users' collaborative search, and to the relations between information exchange behaviors and sentimental expressions. This paper concludes with discussions and insights on the dynamics and the changes of users' sentiments with different collaboration ability, under various tasks, and during individual search stages.
  • Tan Biyong
    图书与情报. 2013, 33(02): 111-117.
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    This paper demonstrates the several patterns and their realization mechanism of bibliographic control of government information resources. Firstly, from the perspective of information resources ontology, government information resources with different topics and characteristics will possess different patterns of bibliographic control. Secondly, there are four levels: local, regional, national and international bibliographic control of government information resources. Thus, the establishment of National Government Information Catalogue Center, the architecture of bibliographic control system of government information, and the creation of government information sharing mechanism will provide institutional, technical and policy framework for bibliographic control of government information resources separately.
  • Liu Yaqiong
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2013, 33(02): 118-123.
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    This paper focuses on the higher education information resources sharing organizations abroad and studies their practical activities in Europe, America, Australia, New Zealand and Japan. On the basis of that, the paper summarizes different models of information resources sharing and researches how those sharing activities works.
  • Yan An
    图书与情报. 2013, 33(02): 124-129.
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    Baidu's PPC (Pay Per Click) storm has triggered some queries coming from Internet users about the quality and authenticity of its searching results. In this kind of situation, this study develops a research model concerning satisfaction and loyalty in the context of Baidu search engine. Empirical data were collected through survey and Structural Equation Modeling   (SEM) was used to analyze the 297 valid data coming from the users of Baidu search engine. This study explores if the users' attitude toward Baidu' PPC impacts users' perception of authenticity and quality of Baidu search results, and finds the key determinants affecting the satisfaction and loyalty of Baidu search engine.
  • Zhou Xiaoying
    图书与情报. 2013, 33(02): 130-131.
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    It is widely spread of game service in library,because of the unique value in it with the practices of game service in American libraries,this article analyzes cognitive obstacle,conceptual obstacle and regulatory obstacle of game service in chinese libraries.
  • Qu Wen
    图书与情报. 2013, 33(02): 132-137.
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    English abstract is an important means of getting key information in science and research papers in international communicating, which influences a paper's acceptation and retrieval. Through analyzing English abstract of academic papers published in journals of CSSCI in information science and study of library, some problems are found and solutions are suggested, so as to help researchers improve the abstract quality, catch the international development and enlarge the quoting rate of the papers in Library and Information, thus broadening its international influence.
  • Wang Xilong,Zhao Yuxing
    图书与情报. 2013, 33(02): 138-141.
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    This paper discusses the reason, style, references and academic value of The History of Qiuchi Regime, which was written by Mr. Zhang Wei, who was a famous scholar in modern Gansu province. The author believes that The History of Qiuchi Regime, which was finished in 1941 and published in 1945, is the first book that systematically and completely studied the regime governed by the Yang family. This book fills in the blanks in Chinese history study and contributes a lot to the study of Chinese minority history and is a precious work with higher academic value.
  • Li Jun
    图书与情报. 2013, 33(02): 142-144.
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    Dong Xun Experienced four dynasties of Daoguang, Xianfen, Tongzhi and  Guangxu.  He  had served as  a minister. Dong was diligent in writing, and had many writings. He wrote Dudongji when  he  went  to  Gansu  to investigate a crime with Qi Junzao. The book documents mountains, mileage of the four provinces of Hebei, Shanxi, Shaanxi and Gansu between Beijing and Lanzhou. This provides first -hand information  for  studying  the  social situation of Shaanxi and Gansu one hundred and fifty years ago. It has  an  important  value  to  contrast  social conditions before and after the Hui uprising in Shanxi and Gansu.