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20 February 2013, Volume 33 Issue 01

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  • Sun Tan;Liu Feng
    图书与情报. 2013, 33(01): 1-7.
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    To help user find  knowledge and relationship of information  form vast amounts of English  Scientific & Technological Literature collection,improve the capability to all kinds of services based on Literature, National Science and Technology Library has initiated a program'Development and application of Knowledge Organization System for Foreign Scientific & Technological Literature'  (STKOS),which includes development of S & T Knowledge Organization System, construction  of a collaborative working  platform and a public  service platform, application for automatic processing,intelligent retrieval of information resources in NSTL and  demonstration of knowledge service. This article analyses the characteristic of 4 current models of information organization presents project goals, plans and methodology framework. The conclusion highlights challenges.
  • Ji Shanshan,Liu Zheng,Song Wen
    图书与情报. 2013, 33(01): 8-12.
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    Converting traditional knowledge organization   system  to  ontology will  not only  speed   up the ontology development  process, but also provides  better information  services in the semantic web. Taking thesauri  as the  research object, this paper presents a deep analysis  on the recent studies of transforming thesauri to ontologies,  and then proposes a general method for thesaurus reengineering with main focus on the key technologies.
  • Bi Lin,Zhang Ying,Ji Shanshan
    图书与情报. 2013, 33(01): 13-16.
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    Taking the ontology  examples obtained from the ASTRA project  as the analysis object, the automatic ontology reuse is achieved through analysis and usage of NeOn Toolkit. The SPARQL is used to identify and confirm  the consistency between inherit and semantic reasoning of the reused ontology.  Finally, the existing problems of large-scale ontology  reuse are pointed out.
  • Fu Ling,Liu Zheng
    图书与情报. 2013, 33(01): 17-22.
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    Recently,ontology modularization is one of the most important aspects of ontology research. This paper reviews the studies on Ontologies Modularization from its  definition,purpose,classification  and approach. In the last part,this paper analyzes the problems and points out the direction of future research in this field.
  • Li Xiaohui
    图书与情报. 2013, 33(01): 23-29.
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    It is presented that review on the contents of ontology patterns which includes ontology  patterns classification,characteristics,presentation, construction,application,tools and evaluation.Furthermore,we analyze and summarize  the ongoing and future work.
  • Song Danhui
    图书与情报. 2013, 33(01): 30-35,57.
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    On the basis of analyzing the deficiency of present studies from the aspects of Determination Rule and Requirements Verification, the author not only puts forward a test cases-based Requirements Verification Model, but also analyzes the concrete connotation of test cases in -depth, exploring the existing ontology test tool characteristics and shortage. In the end, the author still concludes the difference between the Requirements Verification method and the other evaluation methods.
  • Li Chunlan,Deng Zhonghua,Zhang Wenping
    图书与情报. 2013, 33(01): 36-41.
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    Cloud Computing is known  as a new IT resources delivering  business model. The new service which can attract customers is largely dependent  on its price. How do the Cloud Service Providers  price their services prices? This paper targets three cloud service samplings such as Google, Amazon and Microsoft  to collect data. It is found that the prices is not only determined by the service itself but also determined by the pricing models. In another words, different  pricing model, different price in the same service. The two pricing models are the pay-per-use pricing model and the subscription pricing model. Pricing models for  different cloud services  have taken one of  four forms:  tiered pricing,  per -unit  pricing, subscription-based pricing, and dynamic pricing. The paper identifies which forms do the cloud service models(IaaS, PaaS and SaaS) take respectively.
  • Li Chunlan,Deng Zhonghua,Zhang Wenping
    图书与情报. 2013, 33(01): 42-50.
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    Cloud Computing is considered  as a new IT resources delivering  business model. It gets so much attention  for the libraries by its lower cost and more efficiency.  Now many libraries  have started to adopt some cloud  services step by step, including  IaaS, PaaS and SaaS. But there are so many cloud  services, how libraries  can choose the rational  ones according to their needs and budgets.
  • Zhao Youlin,Deng Zhonghua,Li Chunlan
    图书与情报. 2013, 33(01): 51-57.
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    In order to guarantee the quality of cloud service, and make  sure that cloud service in accordance with pre - defined performance levels of Service Level Agreement(SLA), the management of SLA is necessary, namely  SLAM. The origin, demand, meaning and value of the Cloud Service Level Agreement  are described in this article, and finally focus on the main tasks  and business  processes  of SLA during its life cycle. A good understanding  of the various  stages of management processes by the service providers and users can facilitate  the  Service Commitment  and Quality  Assurance.
  • Yan Weidong
    图书与情报. 2013, 33(01): 58-64.
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    In the era of knowledge economy,  reading is  particularly important. Many countries are spared no effort in reading promotion. As two important driving forces of reading promotion, government and library play different roles in reading promotion. Through legislation,  policy planning,  establishment of specialized agency and so on, some foreign governments  dominate, from top-down, the national reading movement. Through creating reading environment, organizing reading promotion activities and so on, many foreign libraries, from bottom -up, root in the public and lead the public to read.
  • Li Jianxia,Chen Furong
    图书与情报. 2013, 33(01): 65-69.
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    In the late 1980's, China initiated theoretical investigation and practice work on performance evaluation of library, and successively formulated and issued some performance evaluation index system and implementing measures of libraries. In the  process of building index system of library performance  evaluation, different scholars select indexes differently and there is a lack of specification. The studies ubiquitously exist shortcomings of stressing on resources quantity, neglecting output efficiency and the demand of readers' evaluation, no enough quantitative index, and difficult to operate in practice. Therefore, the domestic library must strengthen the library information collection, identification, processing, and utilization of the performance evaluation. The input and output relationship between each item of library resources should be established scientifically, thus constructing a more accepted, scientific and operation index system of library performance evaluation.
  • Wang Jun,Ding Lining
    图书与情报. 2013, 33(01): 70-74,78.
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    The au thors analyzed the social background and practical needs of Priority Direction of development RLA for 2011-2015, introduced the main content of the document, and then compared the document with the that of Chinese Library Association.
  • Liu Fang
    图书与情报. 2013, 33(01): 75-78.
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    With the arrival of the era of free open, public libraries have undergone profound changes in many aspects of the service objects, service functions, service mode and service range. Through the investigations to the status of the open free service of the public library in the past year, this paper analyzes the presence of common problems and further discusses the measures on keeping healthy and long-term development of open free service in public library.
  • Su Xinning
    图书与情报. 2013, 33(01): 79-83.
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    This paper mainly discusses the three laws of Bibliometrics of scientific evaluation guidance, and points out that these laws of some aspects to the current analysis study has not fit. Also the evaluation practice commonly used several measurement indicators are analyzed, and points out that the copy these indicators existing problems, and puts forward the effective solution, and finally gives in the actual evaluation should be paid attention to the relevant problems in the operation.
  • Liang Yamin
    图书与情报. 2013, 33(01): 84-89.
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    There is a misunderstanding, stressing form at the expense of contentand putting quantity ahead of quality, merging in Chinese academic evaluation mechanism recently.More seriously, the results of journal evaluation been regarded as the primary criterions of academic evaluation. This phenomenon breaks the objective rules of academic development and lead to the deterioration of academic ecology.This paper advocatesscientific evaluation idea in order to avoid putting the cart before the horse. Specifically, this paper suggests to set multiple evaluation standard, establish "master works" system, strengthen qualitative evaluation, cancel the quantification assessment indicators gradually, and ensure the true function of " core journal" based on the complement from bibliometric evaluation.
  • Qiu Junping,Zeng Qian
    图书与情报. 2013, 33(01): 90-97.
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    Numbers of Chinese international papers in Library &Information science is growing rapidly, but the citation is relatively low (especially mainland China). Distributions of journals and institutions show obvious concentration and scatteration trends, while distributions of keywords and authors are relatively scattered. Research focus include information retrieval, E-commerce, knowledge management, resource sharing, digital libraries, and informetrics. The main cooperating countries is USA. Minewhile, the cooperation fieldsand strength need to be further increased.
  • Qian Lingfei,Yang Jianlin,Deng Sanhong
    图书与情报. 2013, 33(01): 98-102.
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    According to the core indicators system design theory, the paper selects outputs of disciplinary innovation capacities as core evaluation indicators which includes papers, books, and award -winning, then determines the weight of each indicators with expert scoring method. This paper selects the humanities and social sciences in Nanjing University as evaluation instances from middle -perspective, selects the disciplines in the humanities and social sciences of China as evaluation instances from macro -perspective. 1n the end, the paper verifies the rationality and feasibility of the core indicators.
  • Zhong Huixin,He Shaohua
    图书与情报. 2013, 33(01): 103-108.
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    Considering the necessity of building city competitive intelligence system, this paper explores the problems of building the system, and puts forward the basic requirements on design of the competitive intelligence system in future. Then this paper introduces advanced technologies and concepts of cloud computing into the design of city competitive intelligence system,which can effectively integrate resources in the cityand protect information security through information sensitivity classification and provide high value -added intelligence through the intelligent analysis. At the same time, the system adopts dynamic evaluation mechanism of the game intelligence value to arouse people's initiative, which reflects the spirit of one for all and all for one that can ensures self-growth of the system after a certain period of time in operating.
  • Chen Ling
    图书与情报. 2013, 33(01): 109-110,133.
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    2-dimensional bar code that is honored as one of the top ten technologies to change the internet in the future, has been applied in many areas. It is an overview of the concept and features of 2-dimensional bar code. The article focuses o'n the  applications of  2 -dimensional bar code, such  as  identity  authentication,  bibliographic  location,  resources  publicity,navigation and electronic business cards, and then analyzes the development trend of  2 -dimensional bar code in future s library.
  • Cheng Saiyan,Ding Lei,Wei Shujuan
    图书与情报. 2013, 33(01): 115-123,141.
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    Literatures on electronic government were analyzed by bibliometrics analysis, from which the trend of worldwide research and knowledge maps were obtained. It was found that the core authors are mainly located in the U.S. The hotspots in the research of electronic government include the enhancement of e -government cross -sectorial collaboration, the construction of e-government, the security infrastructure design of digital government in a multiple, and complex environment. Meanwhile, the performance evaluation becomes the research frontier in this field.
  • Yao Rong
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2013, 33(01): 124-126.
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    In branch library mode, it is difficult to provide quick and non-discriminatory service. In this article, the author introduces the measures for computers management, reader certification, and WIFI internet access in Nanshan Library.
  • Qian Jun
    图书与情报. 2013, 33(01): 127-129.
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    In the environm ent of modern information society, electronic reading room of libraries play an increasingly important function of information services. It is the main positions of library services. Electronic Reading Room of Zhenhai District Library makes the attempt on rational allocation of its software and hardware, construction and sharing of resources, services integrated management etc.
  • Zhang Guohui,Long Jinglin
    图书与情报. 2013, 33(01): 130-133.
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    Synergetic development of digital resources in universitiesis a new model to set up library information resources in the same area. On the base of investigation on digital resources development of university libraries in Hainan province, the paper proposes that resources utilization efficiency and Integration of digital resources should rise for the development of library digital resources in universities, so as to construct the sharing system of librarydigital resources in same region.
  • Wang Ruiju,Peng Jiye
    图书与情报. 2013, 33(01): 134-136.
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    It ap plies the research method of bibliometrics, according to a group of articles University repositories  inCNKI, to review the distribution ofUniversity repositoriesarticles, such as the age distribution of Journals, periodicalsdistribution of papers, distribution of authors, also to analyze the theoretical research, practice research with this theme.
  • Wu Tunian
    图书与情报. 2013, 33(01): 137-141.
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    Mr. Liu Guojun/s academic career began with translation of foreign academic literature. His translation has five major characteristics: beginning with philosophy;saving the nation as the main idea; transforming the society by authority; Literal translation as law to be faithful to the original;keeping translation purpose in the mind.
  • Feng Xiaoxia
    图书与情报. 2013, 33(01): 142-144.
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    Benefit ed by the policies of the Song Dynasty government, there appeared more Buddhist temples in the East Zhejiang and thus book collection were popular there, especially, the Buddhist books. Some temples, such as Ashoka Temple,Tiantong Temple, Xuedou Temple in 1ingzhou, Jiaxiang Temple in Yuezhou, and Guoqing Temple in Taizhou, are famous for book collection.