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25 April 2014, Volume 34 Issue 02

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  • Li Guoxin
    图书与情报. 2014, 34(02): 1-6,9.
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    Building the system of the Board of Trustees at the policymaking level, carrying out the system of chief executive responsibility at the management level, realizing the goal of “to be chartered” at the operational level are the core elements of corporate governance structure for nonprofit cultural institutions. Paying attention and studying of domestic on the problems of the corporate governance related libraries have started in the beginning of new century, and been boosted in 2008. Since 2007, Shenzhen Library, Guangzhou Library and so on have tried to carry out the corporate governance, and many problems of the functions, the director appointed at management level of the board of trustees, the budget maked of institutions, government representatives attend the board, “external” members in the majority, decision support system, the operation “to be chartered”, carrying out the independent legal status, etc, have been exposed. Little concern about cohesive system, and week practice foundation should be the key to perfect the system.

  • Xiao Rongmei
    图书与情报. 2014, 34(02): 7-9.
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    The Shenzhen Library Board is a consultative and policy decision-making body of Shenzhen Library and it is responsible for the establishment of the overall strategic direction and planning of Shenzhen Library. It carries out its duty of key matters consultation and decision making of the Library. Its board members are consisted of representatives from government bodies, social sectors and library field. All board members are selected or appointed by Shenzhen Bureau of Culture, Tourism and Sports. The Board is not directly responsible for the management and daily operation of Shenzhen Library and it carries out its important duties through the Board mettings. 1 refs.
  • Jin Wugang,Qian Jiajun,Xiao Meilin
    图书与情报. 2014, 34(02): 10-13.
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    The Royal Charter and Byelaws ,issued 1933, is the fundamental basis of the corporate governance of the London Library.The London Library is a library of membership. Membership fees are the main source of income.Annual General Meeting is the highest authority of the library, making decisions of the Trustees, amendments to the Royal Charter and Byelaws, and deliberations of the annual reports & financial statements, etc..The Trustees is the decision-making layer of the library, being responsible for making the important decisions, revising the library policies, and promoting the library services. In the intervals between meetings of the Trustees conference, its functions shall be conducted by the Chair of Trustees. Librarian (Chief Executive) is appointed by the Trustees, in accordance with resolutions of the Trustees, being responsible for the library administration and management.There are some official ways on overseeing all aspects of the Library’s operation and governance.
  • Feng Jia
    图书与情报. 2014, 34(02): 14-16.
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    The board of trustees of Boston public library in America is a great example for management approach. The constitution of members and their duties of the board, the overall planning, the appointment, service management, and other duties, the functional committee and conference system have been introduced, and organizing the relationship between library and the board of trustees, which will provide reference for the implementation of the corporate governance in public libraries in our country.
  • Luo Shanshan
    图书与情报. 2014, 34(02): 17-20.
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    The New York Public Library has a single Board of Trustees in the main Library, which is charged with the full power to manage and control the property and affairs of The New York Public Library. The trustee, including Voting Trustee, Honorary Trustee and Life Trustee, have different duties. The Board of Trustees establishes several Standing Committee and Special committee to oversee the daily work of different departments, and to offer professional advice. The corporate governance system in the NYPL has a sound supervision system both internal and external.
  • Guo Xiangdong,Duan Xiaohu
    图书与情报. 2014, 34(02): 20-26.
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    The need to protect minorities in Western literature a sound institutional arrangements. Through the protection of western minority literature review and analysis, system design proposed a theoretical model. The idea is to achieve its institutional and political goals, economic goals, cultural objectives of unity; system design principle is the protection of literature and non-material cultural heritage protection by combining "preventive protection" and "rescue protection," the combination of protection and literature collection development and utilization of the combination, system security and organizational security, financial security, personnel security integration; system is the responsibility of the content protection system design, grading and classification system of protection and the protection of technical standards.
  • Chen Jun,Dang Yanni,Chen Ping
    图书与情报. 2014, 34(02): 27-30.
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    The authors analy'ed the publication, collection, and application of Northwest minority nationalities documents in Northwest China and pointed out that in the collection policy making, attention should  be given to minority nationality literature. It is recogni'ed that the development of library storage and archives application should be highly cooperated with long -term and medium -term policy design by the  cultivation of library  administrator,  application and exploration of document and the implementation of extensive reading resources while the recognition of variety of reading materials could be enhanced. In order to develop the establishment of harmonious society and improving intercultural communication among minority nationalities,  the library is  labeled by the medium of adoption of traditional  cultural elements and adaption of current national culture.
  • Dang Yanni,Guo Xiangdong,Chen Jun
    图书与情报. 2014, 34(02): 31-38.
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    Since ancient times, many ethnic groups live together in Dunhuang, and left a lot of rich ethnic literature, including Tibetan, Uighur, Tangut, Sogdian and other ancient ethnic literature.These ethnic documents have provided valuable information for us to understand the history of ethnic groups in Dunhuang, Hexi District and the Central Asian, such as social activities, economic status, language, culture, art and religious belief ,and so on. The ethnic documents are important parts of the resource construction about the Western minority literature.
  • Chen Ping,Peng Wencheng,Tian Shuangliang,Fan Shengli
    图书与情报. 2014, 34(02): 39-43,130.
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    The efficiency and effect on knowledge and information dissemination are closely related with the media, audience and the audience's cultural quality and so on; in a particular region, they are also influenced by local government’s guidance, propaganda and the infrastructure construction level etc. We chose Hezuo city of Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture of Ganan and the surrounding area, and Linxia city of Hui Autonomous Prefecture of Linxia as the research area, and take the group with different income, occupation and age as the research object, field investigate the factors affecting knowledge and information dissemination in Gansu minority areas, we analyze the present situation of knowledge and information transmission in the local and the existing problems by the statistical method, and put forward some rational suggestions.
  • Wang Xiaolin,Chen Jun
    图书与情报. 2014, 34(02): 44-47.
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    This article analyses the construction conditions of minority nationality literature federated database from three aspects: literature resources, digital processing technology of Minority literature and fundamentals of network information. Through the preliminary planning and strategy for the construction of characteristic database,it points out the basic strategy of federated database construction, it also emphasizes that we can ensure the sustainable development of database by paying attention to personnel training, controlling the quality of data strictly and updating data in real-time.
  • He Haidi
    图书与情报. 2014, 34(02): 48-56.
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    As the development and application of big data increases, the U.S. government has actively encouraged universities in policy to carry on interdisciplinary graduate programs to train the next generation of data scientists and engineers. Companies and research institutions are also actively cooperating to promote such programs. In the United States, more than forty universities have started their Master’s Programs in Big Data Analytics; there are currently over twenty great Programs available at these universities, all of which deserve careful researching. After in-depth analysis of these Programs’ websites, sharing the view of American experts on big data will provide a valuable reference for the Chinese Master’s Programs in Big Data Analytics.
  • Niu Min,Tang Xinchuan
    图书与情报. 2014, 34(02): 57-60,72.
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    In the face of secluded paid, highly anonymous and flexible scheduled commercialization of cloud services, it’s difficult to distinguish identities of cloud operators and consumers or define jural relations, methods of responsibility and relief ways in the traditional legal system of consumers’ protection. It’s necessary that we should analyze obstacles of identifying cloud consumers, profits of free cloud services or relationships of rights and obligations. We must put forward some concrete countermeasures of establishing a transparent mechanism of information communication, building reasonable required contract terms and improving the relief system of violating consumers’ rights and interests.
  • Huang Haiying,Ran Congjing
    图书与情报. 2014, 34(02): 61-67.
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    From a historical perspective aspects, this paper analyzes the differences between Chinese and Western cultural information preservation in the guiding principles, functional requirements, manifestations and external power, compared the existing framework of international and domestic aspects, and analyzed the future options for the national identity form theoretical basis, functional orientation and mode selection.
  • Jin Jiaqin
    图书与情报. 2014, 34(02): 68-72.
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    This paper gives an introduction to the history and development of service system of Montreal Public Library. Based on documentary investigation, case study and data mining, it analyzes public libraries in Montreal and BAnQ from the aspects of system hierarchy,service resources,service efficiency,technology engines and the interaction between public libraries and cities.
  • Chen Yimei
    图书与情报. 2014, 34(02): 73-76.
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    The training service of personal finance and investing is well received in the community。The project pays much attention to researching on user demand and fractionizing service object,cooperating broadly with social framework,brings out virtual service by advanced technology  tools,organizes and plans cleverly  various forms of personal and investing training  activities,to help the community  public improving  personal finance investment literacy.It assess the effectiveness of the project service to provide a basis to improve and enhance the quality of service.Such practices and policies are worth Chinese libraries studying and learning.
  • Yan Xiaofen
    图书与情报. 2014, 34(02): 77-81.
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    Subject service has become the common library service mechanism, the team conducted in the form of subject service is a kind of efficient work mode that appears in recent years, China and American libraries in the development of the field Each has its own merits. This paper is a comparative study by a team of subject service representative of the two countries, found the common features between discipline construction services team has individual and team development, but the composition mode and management mode that there are some differences in the team.
  • Zhao Hui
    图书与情报. 2014, 34(02): 82-85.
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    Contingent Valuation Method (CVM) is the most commonly using and the most effective tool that used to asses non-market resources in west. Using CVM to assess library value scientifically is a qualitative change process of library valuation from qualitative to quantitative. This paper, through studying documents and related cases, analyzing the particularities of library value, following the logic of CVM’s technology roadmap design, from the selection of WTP and WTA, the way of payment, leading technology of WTP, and the definition of population and sample, proposes suggestions of the locally improvement of library valuation.
  • Zhang Dan
    图书与情报. 2014, 34(02): 86-89.
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    Librarians play a very important role in the resources acquisition work, especially the collection librarians and subject librarians, who are the core power of the collection development. In recent years, a new acquisition mode (Patron-Driven Acquisitions) challenges the authority. Some researchers worry about the professional position of the librarians in the PDA mode. In this paper, the author insists that the librarians are still the main force of the systemic and subject collection construction. Simultaneously, the librarians play an essential role in the PDA program. And the application of PDA will bring new opportunities for the librarians, and create new career prospect. Librarians should make efforts to adapt to the new condition, make the role conversion and take the responsibility.
  • Deng Yinhua
    图书与情报. 2014, 34(02): 90-93.
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    Outsourcing is widely used in the libraries in China, and developing fast. But many  outsourcing case has not reached the expected target. The fundamental reason lies in the lack of deep understanding of risk. This paper analyzes the rent -seeking risk, decision -making risk,  information asymmetry risk, monopoly risk and others. On this   basis, this paper puts forward the preventive measures from four aspects.
  • Chen Jing,Lv Xiufu
    图书与情报. 2014, 34(02): 94-101.
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    Based the statistics of statistical core Journals in CSSCI(2000-2011),the study displays the evolution of research, knowledge  sources in the recent 12 years by mapping knowledge domains. The paper also makes annual analysis on the research hotspots,the research frontiers and the knowledge  bases.On the other hand, the study finds out the statisticians who have a far-reaching  influence on statistical research. Their collaborative  relationships are also discussed,together with their research fields, high cited papers.
  • Qian Aibin,Yang Xin
    图书与情报. 2014, 34(02): 102-107.
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    Based on scientific metrology method and social network  analysis,the paper chooses knowledge map to show foreign literature research development in China during 2000-2011. This work is done by term co-occurrence analysis, document co-citation analysis, author co-citation analysis and author collaborative analysis.
  • Xie Jing,Zhang Xinxin
    图书与情报. 2014, 34(02): 108-114.
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    The paper utilizes  knowledge map to analyze the development of Chinese literature during 2000-2011.The study displays the evolution of Chinese literature  research development through term co-occurrence   analysis, document co-citation analysis, author co-citation analysis and author collaborative analysis.
  • Wu Jianming
    图书与情报. 2014, 34(02): 115-119.
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    Distance education service is an important part of the servicesystem USA University library.In summary, American government,University,society and the university  library itself is to adopt "into","deepening" and"management"and other three kinds of strategies to promote the  development of distance education  service.  Research, learning and reference worth and experience in distance education services in practiceUSA University library.
  • Zhang Qidie,Liu Yali
    图书与情报. 2014, 34(02): 120-122.
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    The arrival of the era of big data endows the library with new service content and requirements In the aspect of open data services, libraries need to switch roles, and to provide users with collections  catalog, data governance,open  access, knowledge discovery, semantic analysis and other services
  • Lu Bo
    LIBRARY&INFORMATION. 2014, 34(02): 123-126.
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    Large-scale Massive Open Online Courses(MOOC) is an innovative education model, and it raises new demands  on education career.On the basis of the generation and impact of MOOC,article mainly analyzes the role definition and service innovation  of library under MOOC circumstance. Then it considers that the library should make service innovation in information literacy training,curriculum support, marketing consulting.
  • Zhao Bo
    图书与情报. 2014, 34(02): 127-130.
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    The traditional library resources construction and optimization strategy cannot meet the development requirements of the times, because of the development of modern information  technology.It can provide  decision making for library resource construction and optimizing, based on user-centric and allowing  readers to participate in,using some tools such as semantic technologies,co-word analysis and so on.
  • Miao Lei,Xu Mingjin
    图书与情报. 2014, 34(02): 131-133.
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    Competitive intelligence can help small and medium-sized enterprises to make correct decision,enhance independent innovation ability,improve the internal mechanisms and external business environment,and strengthen the enterprise's vigor.Competitive intelligence service is essential to the survival and development of small and medium-sized enterprises. In this paper,competitive intelligence service to small and medium-sized enterprises is discussed from the perspective of the construction of competitive intelligence organizations and it is hoped to enhance the working  thoughts and improve the service quality and ability for competitive intelligence.
  • Hou Dong
    图书与情报. 2014, 34(02): 134-140.
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    During the reign of Emperor Qianlong and Jiaqing, there appeared a number of government offices in which the advisers were mainly engaged in academic study. This special phenomenon had much to do with the cultural policy of the imperial court. The academic activities exerted profound influence on the development of culture in Qing Dynasty. Not only large amount of excellent books and academic achievements were thus preserved, but it was sign of the rise of sinology.
  • Jia Cuiling
    图书与情报. 2014, 34(02): 141-144.
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    Filling with the great admiration to the pioneers of the library cause of Shanganning Boarding Area, following in the track of the libraries in Shanganning Boarding Area, reading the red literature resources and photographs left by the libraries in Shanganning Boarding Area, the article relives the historical feature of the library in Shanganning Boarding Area in expectation of the recurrence of the library spirit of Shanganning Boarding Area.